What is Cannbidiol (CBD)?
CBD is one of the many cannabinoids (compounds) of the cannabis plant. Every day there is more research on the possible therapeutic uses of CBD.
Two of the most well-known compounds in the cannabis plant are delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Estos compuestos tienen diferentes efectos.
Hasta hace poco, the compound most known was THC. The most active component that produces psychoactive effects. El CBD es todo lo contrario. No es psicoactivo, no cambia el estado de ánimo ni produce efectos secundarios en la persona que lo usa. Sin embargo, se ha demonstrato que su uso puede aportar muchos beneficios y producir cambios significados en el cuerpo.
How does CBD work?
All cannabinoids produce effects in the body interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors, which form part of our endocannabinoid system (SEC).
Los receptors CB1 están presentes en todo el cuerpo, particularly en el cerebro. These receptors are responsible for coordinating movement, pain, emotion, mood, thinking, appetite, memories and other functions.
CB2 receptors are more common in the immune system. Affectan la inflammation y el dolor. El CBD, al actura con el Sistema Endocannabinoide propio del cuerpo, allows the stimulation of this and the depression of the activity of certain neurons, muscular fibers... which create pathologies when they are hyperactive (inflammations, headaches, mental stress... ). Al actuar de este modo allows us to use the body's own systems to treat stress problems, insomnia, muscular pains and more... in a completely natural way and using the most powerful tools we have: those from our own body.
What are CBD edibles?
Si nombras un tipo de alimento o bebida probabilita este producto ya está en el mercado en su versión con fusión de CBD. From water, tea, coffee and energy drinks to chocolate bars, gummies and cookies, CBD edibles have become very popular due to the anxious times we are living and the reputation of Cannabidiol to relieve the mind and symptoms of many pathologies.
Can we consume CBD edibles?
The answer is YES. But due to the fact that the CBD market is still not regulated in a large part of the world, consumers must choose products that are safe and that really contain the amount of CBD indicated on the label. According to a test that was carried out in November 2020, 40 products from 21 brands showed that one of every four products for consumption contained the labeled amount of CBD. The important thing is that the consumer investigates a little to ensure that he is buying a safe and quality product.
¿Qué son las gominolas de CBD?
Las gominolas de CBD are edible candies that contain Cannabidiol (CBD) and can be of different colors, shapes and flavors. Consumir gummies de CBD es una forma simple y discreta para ingerir nuestra dosis. Por lo cual su popularity has increased significantly between consumers and non-consumers of CBD.
¿Qué beneficios pueden aportar las gominolas de CBD?
Al igual que los eits de CBD las gominolas pueden ser efficacious para aliviar el stress, la anxiety, la inflammation, el dolor, problemas del sueño y más. There is still a lack of research that confirms 100% that CBD gummies work, although some people confirm that they have benefited.
¿Cómo seguirre CBD de calidad gummies?
The first thing you have to look at the consumer before buying is the analysis of the product made by third parties. In this document you will find the result of the test carried out: the amount of CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids that the product contains. También podrá ver si está libre de metales pesados, solvents, pesticides y bacteria.